Top Tips…(from a recruiters perspective)

From a recruiters perspective what are the top tips we would offer our clients to make recruiting a better experience? We had the following thoughts…

1. “Time kills all deals” Great candidates won’t wait.

2. Provide a quality brief. The more comprehensive the brief the better the result.

3. Choose one recruiter…and make a mutual committment to the process.

4. Open all candidate sourcing channels, press, web, referrrals etc

5. Understand the full Value Proposition you have to offer the ideal candidate as they will have choices and need to be sold on the job, challenges, rewards, recognition, package, future!  Think…”Whats in it for me?”

Different in Europe

Having spent the last two weeks in Italy & France I notice the main difference is that the Recruitment business has a “High Street” profile. Vedior, Adecco, Manpower are in every small town and city visited with shop fronts. Why dont we do that in Nz and Australia as its great profile and exposure? I guess thats why they have grown with such enormous scale. Are we too conservative down under?

Always be recruiting…

The “5 secrets of talent” e-book below is a great little guide to key recruitment strategies but I thought I would add one; ALWAYS!

When the corporate message comes down that the headcount freeze is on its not time to stop recruiting. Keep selling your brand and value proposition in every way possible. Every networking opportunity is a recruitment opportunity. Great people are mostly busy doing what they do so a chance discussion is often the best sourcing opportunity of all. ALWAYS be recruiting…

5 Secrets of Talent

5 Secrets...

A friend of mine has put together a few little gems…check it out at …

Search Engine Optimisation

For a niche specialist recruiting business how important is SEO. The general view is that a web presence without SEO is a waste therefore I’m keen on any expert opinion I can get. Therefore my first ever blog is an effort to reach out and better understand this world. Surely google adwords are beyond a small business budget?

So here we go.  One of our businesses is a new IT Recruitment Specialist and we have built our website on WordPress to enter this blogging, tagging, SEO world. is our opening effort but we are all learning so any feedback and opinion on doing our best in this world is welcome.

Our aim is to understand how to reach relevant on-line communities. My aim is understand this whole concept.